Regions in travel priority order:

1. Mopti
- Great Mosque of Djenné
- Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons)
2. Tombouctou
- Timbuktu (centre of Tuareg culture) – Sankoré Mosque at Sankoré Madrasah (University of Sankoré)
- Festival of the Desert in Essakane
3. Kayes
- Kayes (historic capital of French Sudan)
- Bafing National Park
- Kouroufing National Park
- Wongo National Park
4. Bamako
- Bamako (national capital)
5. Koulikoro
- Boucle du Baoulé National Park
- Kongassambougou Reserve
6. Ségou
- Ségou (third largest city – historic capital of the Bamana Empire
7. Sikasso
- Sikasso (national second city – historic capital of the Kénédougou Empire)
8. Gao
- Gao (historic capital of the Songhai Empire)
9. Kidal
- Saharan Nights festival in Essouk
10. Taoudénit
- Taoudenni (salt excavating center from ancient salt lake bed)
11. Ménaka
- Ansongo Ménaka Partial Wildlife Reserve
1. Cap Vert-Thies
- Dakar (national capital)
2. Central Senegal
- Saloum Delta National Park
3. Northern Senegal
- Saint-Louis (historic capital of French West Africa)
- Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary
4. Casamance
- Ziguinchor
5. Tambacounda Region
- Niokolo-Koba National Park
- Baunjul (national capital)
Cape Verde
- Praia (national capital)

- Niamey (national capital)
- Grande Mosquée d’Agadez

Burkina Faso
- Ouagadougou (national capital)
- Grand Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso
- Cour Royale de Tiébélé traditional painted houses