What’s a Small Town Gem?
What makes a small town a small town gem? As explored below, a small town gem must rank well on numerous criteria. But, put simply, small town gems are wonderful places to live, work, play, learn, and worship, for everyone.
How Small is Small?
The size of “small” for a “small town” can vary quite a bit, as a universal definition does not exist. This website uses a population of less than 50,000 people for what makes a “small town.” Most towns on this list have significantly less than that. In this context, this website is calling a community a “town” whether it is organized as a village, town, city, or something else.
U.S. Small Town Gems
In the links that follow, three example small town gems in each state are listed in each region. Many of these examples are based on research and not first-hand experience. As time goes on, and I’m able to explore more places this list will evolve.

Pacific States Small Town Gems, such as the Monterey Peninsula towns in California (Monterey, Carmel-By-The-Sea, and Pacific Grove)

Western States Small Town Gems, such as the San Juan Mountain towns in Colorado (e.g., Silverton, Ouray, Telluride)

Midwestern States Small Town Gems, such as those along the Michigan Riviera, like New Buffalo, St. Joseph, South Haven, Saugatuck, et al.

Southern States Small Town Gems, such as Natchez, Mississippi