Top Movies I saw in 2012:
Some of the movies which came out this year, but I missed and want to see (upon seeing these movies it might change my Top 10): Argo (Academy Award Best Picture), Django Unchained (Academy Award), Anna Karenina (Academy Award), Zero Dark Thirty (Academy Award), Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph, et al.
Honorable Mentions: Men in Black 3, Les Misérables (Academy Award), John Carter (Sci-Fi), Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Sci-Fi), Snow White and the Huntsman, The Bourne Legacy, Life of Pi (Academy Award), and Wrath of the Titans
10. Beasts of the Southern Wild
9. Prometheus (a monster movie – Xenomorph)
8. The Dark Knight Rises (DC)
7. Lincoln (Academy Award)

6. Disney-Pixar’s Brave (Academy Award)
5. The Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel | Non-MCU)
4. Cloud Atlas (Sci-Fi)
3. Skyfall (007) (Academy Award)
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (LOTR)

1. The Avengers (MCU)