List Criteria
To qualify for this list countries need to have territory non-contiguous with the water in its Economic Exclusive Zone of the land where the country’s capital is located. This list is divided into two parts, based on whether the overseas territory is or is not part of the same continent.
Global Overseas Countries
Countries with Overseas Territories Across Multiple Continents

Chile – Rapa Nui/Easter Island

Denmark – Faroe Islands and Greenland

France – French Atlantic, French Guiana, Indian Ocean Africa, and French Pacific

Norway – Bouvet Island and Peter I Island
Spain – Canary Islands and Ceuta and Melilla/África Septentrional Española

United Kingdom – British Atlantic, Gibraltar, Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Indian Ocean Africa, and Pitcairn Islands

United States – U.S. Caribbean Territories, U.S. Micronesia, and American Samoa
Continental Overseas Countries
Countries with Overseas Territories in the Same Continent
Latin America
Ecuador – Galápagos Islands
Brazil – Trindade and Martin Vaz Archipelago
Portugal – Azores and Madeira

Russia – Kaliningrad
Angola – Cabinda Province exclave
South Africa – Prince Edward Islands
Timor-Leste – Oecusse exclave
India – Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Japan – Marcus Island/Minami-Tori-shima
Malaysia – East Malaysia/Malaysian Borneo

Australia – Norfolk Island, Macquarie Island, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Kiribati – Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands, and Line Islands
New Zealand – Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau