Far West – Colorado Plateau
Southwest Tribes

Painted Desert and Petrified Forest National Park

Holbrook: Wigwam Motel, Joe & Aggies Diner, and El Rancho Motel & Restaurant

Joseph City: Jackrabbit Trading Post
Winslow: Standin’ on a Corner Park
Meteor City: Meteor Crater and Meteor City Trading Post

Two Guns ghost town: Apache Death Caves (spooky!)
Twin Arrows


Williams: Rod’s Steakhouse, Twisters Soda Fountain, and the Grand Canyon Railway

Seligman: Snow Cap Drive-In and Road Kill Cafe

Kingman: Mr D’z Route 66 Diner and El Trovatore Motel, and Powerhouse Visitors Center

Cool Springs

Sitgreaves Pass

Next state going west: California portion of old Route 66
Old Route 66, heading from east to west: