Most Significant People in American History

1. Explorers
- Norse Explorers
- Naddodd (c. 825) – Faroe Islands early settler and Iceland discoverer
- Erik the Red (986) – First European Settlement in Greenland
- Leif Erikson (c. 1000) – Discovery of Vinland (L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, Canada)
- Gudrid Thorbjarnardottir & Thorfinn Karlsefni (c. 1003) – Vinland (parents of Snorri Thorfinnsson – first person of European descent born in the New World)
- Age of Discovery Early Explorers
- Christopher Columbus (1492) – U.S. Virgin Islands (explored for Spain; from Genoa, Italy)
- John Cabot (1497) – East Coast of Canada (explored for England; from Venice, Italy)
- Amerigo Vespucci (1499) – South America (explored for Spain, then Portugal; from Florence, Italy)
- Giovanni da Verrazzano (1523) East Coast U.S. & Canada (explored for France; from Florence, Italy)
- Spanish Explorers
- Juan Ponce de León (1513) – Puerto Rico & Florida
- Hernan Cortes (1519) – Conquistador of the Aztec Empire
- Hernando de Soto (1539) – Florida & Southeast U.S.
- Francisco Vázquez de Coronado (1540) – Southwest U.S.
- French Explorers
- Jacques Cartier (1535) – Quebec
- Samuel de Champlain (1603) Upper Canada
- René-Robert Cavelier – Sieur de La Salle (1682) – Great Lakes, Illinois, & Lower Mississippi River
- Jacques Marquette & Louis Joliet (1673) – Michigan UP, Wisconsin, & Mississippi River
- El Norte Explorers
- Friar Marcos de Niza & Mustafa Azemmouri (Esteban de Dorantes) (first Black explorer in America) (1538) – searched for the Seven Cities of Cíbola (the mythical Seven Cities of Gold)
- Juan de Oñate (1598) – El Paso, Texas and New Mexico; Acoma Massacre of 1599
- Father Junípero Serra (1749) – California
- Captain Juan Bautista de Anza II (1775) Arizona & California
- English & Dutch Explorers
- Francis Drake (1577) – California coast
- Walter Raleigh (1585) – Roanoke Colony (NC)
- John Smith (1607) – Virginia
- Henry Hudson (1609 – Dutch) – East Coast; (1610 – English) – Hudson Bay
- Corp of Discovery (1803)
- Meriwether Lewis
- William Clark
- Sacagawea
- Other Corp of Discovery members
- U.S. Frontier Explorers
- Daniel Boone
- David Crockett
- Zebulon Pike
- Kit Carson
- North Pole Expedition
- Robert Peary
- Matthew Henson
- Inuit team members: Ootah, Egigingwah, Seegloo, & Ooqueah
- Space Explorers
- Alan Shepard – first American in space (1961) & Virgil Ivan “Gus” Grissom – second American in space (1961)
- John Glenn – first American in orbit (1962)
- Neil Armstrong – first to walk on the Moon (1969) & Edwin (“Buzz”) Aldrin – second to walk on the Moon (1969)
- Sally Ride – first American woman in space (1983)
- Norse Explorers
George Washington (“Lansdowne” portrait) / Gilbert Stuart / 1796
2. Government Leaders
- Early Presidents
- George Washington
- John Adams
- Thomas Jefferson
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- Jackson Democratic Presidents
- Andrew Jackson
- Martin Van Buren
- James K. Polk
- Grover Cleveland
- Woodrow Wilson
- Lincoln Republican Presidents
- Abraham Lincoln
- Ulysses S. Grant
- William McKinley
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Calvin Coolidge
- New Deal Democratic Presidents
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Harry S. Truman
- John F. Kennedy
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- Jimmy Carter
- Post-New Deal Republican Presidents
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Richard Nixon
- Gerald Ford
- Ronald Reagan
- George W. Bush
- Congressional Leaders
- Daniel Webster
- Henry Clay
- U.S. Supreme Court Justices
- John Marshall
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
- Louis Brandeis
- Thurgood Marshall
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Military Leaders
- David G. Farragut (War of 1812, Mexican War, and American Civil War)
- William T. Sherman (Mexican War, American Civil War, and Indian Wars)
- George Dewey (American Civil War and Spanish-American War)
- John J. “Black Jack” Pershing (Indian Wars, Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, Pancho Villa Expedition, and World War I)
- Douglas MacArthur (World War I, World War II, and Korean War)
- Public Servants
- Alexander Hamilton (Secretary of the Treasury)
- J. Edgar Hoover (FBI)
- Frances Perkins (Secretary of Labor)
- George C. Marshall (Secretary of State)
- James E. Webb (NASA)
- First Ladies
- Martha Washington
- Abigail Adams
- Dolley Madison
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Jacqueline Kennedy
- Early Presidents

3. Reformers
- Religious Freedom Leaders
- Anne Hutchinson & Roger Williams (Puritans)
- William Penn (Quakers)
- Joseph Smith & Brigham Young (Mormonism founded 1830 – Fayette, NY)
- Ellen G. White (Seventh-day Adventist founded 1863 – Battle Creek, MI)
- Wallace Fard Muhammad (Nation of Islam founded 1930 – Detroit, MI)
- Revolutionaries (1775-1783)
- Thomas Paine
- John Hancock
- Patrick Henry
- Samuel Adams
- Lafayette (Gilbert du Motier – Marquis de Lafayette)
- Abolitionists (1830-1865)
- Harriet Tubman (and suffragist)
- Frederick Douglass (and suffragist)
- John Brown
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Angelina Grimké (and suffragist)
- Suffragists (1849-1920)
- Susan B. Anthony & father Daniel Anthony
- Lucretia Mott & husband James Mott
- Jane Addams
- Adelina ‘Nina’ Otero-Warren
- George Francis Train
- Civil Rights Movement Leaders (1954-1968)
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Rosa Parks
- John Lewis
- W.E.B. Du Bois
- Malcolm X
- LGBTQ+ Rights Leaders (1961-Present)
- Edith Windsor – United States v. Windsor (which overturned Section 3 of Defense of Marriage Act)
- Harvey Milk
- Audre Lorde
- Marsha P. Johnson
- Billie Jean King
- Labor Rights Leaders
- César Chávez
- Mary Harris Jones ‘Mother Jones’
- Eugene Victor Debs
- Frances Perkins
- Woody Guthrie
- Social Reformers
- Horace Mann
- Florence Kelley
- Upton Sinclair
- Jacob Riis
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Urban Reformers
- Daniel Burnham
- Benjamin Marsh & Henry George
- Frederick Law Olmsted
- Clarence Perry
- Jane Jacobs
- Environmentalists
- John Muir
- Aldo Leopold
- Rachel Carson
- Winona LaDuke
- Wangari Maathai
- Religious Freedom Leaders

4. First Nations: American Indians, Alaskan Natives, & Native Hawaiians
- Powhatan (Chesapeake Bay Algonquian confederacy)
- Wahunsenacawh/Powhatan – confederation chief
- Pocahontas
- Wampanoag (Northeast Algonquian confederacy of Patuxet, Massachusett, Nantucket, Chappaquiddick, et. al)
- Squanto/Tisquantum – Patuxet guide
- Massasoit (Ousamequin) – confederation chief
- Metacomet (Metacom/Pometacom/King Philip) – confederation chief
- Lenape (Mid-Atlantic Algonquian Delaware Nation)
- Tamanend (King Tammany) – peace chief
- Interior Algonquian (Ohio Valley & Great Lakes Algonquian)
- Tecumseh – Shawnee chief
- Pontiac – Odawa/Ottawa war chief
- Iroquois Confederacy (Iroquoian Five Nations: Mohawks, Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, & Seneca; Sixth: Tuscarora)
- Hiawatha – precolonial leader and co-founder of the Iroquois Confederacy
- Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) – Mohawk chief
- Five Civilized Tribes (Southeast Iroquoian Cherokee and Muskogean tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, & Seminole)
- Sequoyah – Cherokee writing system inventor
- Wilma Mankiller – Cherokee chief
- Siouan (Great Plains)
- Red Cloud – Oglala Lakota chief
- Crazy Horse – Oglala Lakota war chief
- Sitting Bull – Hunkpapa Lakota chief
- Maria Tallchief – Osage – first U.S. major prima ballerina; part of “Five Moons” Oklahoma American Indian
- Na-Dene (Southwest)
- Cochise – Chiricahua Apache leader
- Geronimo – Chiricahua Apache leader and medicine man/shaman
- Diné (Navajo) Code Talkers
- Nez Perce (Columbia Plateau Sahaptin)
- Chief Joseph (Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt) – leader
- Pueblo Peoples (Southwest Taos, Tewa, Acoma, Zuni, Hopi, et. al)
- Popé – led Pueblo rebellion against Spanish in 1680
- Maria Martinez – world-renowned artist for her black-on-black pottery
- Deb Haaland – Secretary of the Interior
- Alaskan Natives
- Molly Hootch & Anna Tibeluk – education activists
- Native Hawaiians
- Kamehameha the Great
- Queen Liliʻuokalani
- Powhatan (Chesapeake Bay Algonquian confederacy)
5. Economy-Builders
- Financiers
- Alexander Hamilton
- J.P. Morgan
- Investors
- Howard Hughes
- Warren Buffett
- Industrialists
- Andrew Carnegie (steel)
- Henry Ford (automobiles)
- Transportation & Energy
- Cornelius Vanderbilt (railroads & shipping)
- John D. Rockefeller (oil)
- Old Money
- John Jacob Astor (fur trade monopoly+)
- William Randolph Hearst (publishing)
- Modern Retail
- Sam Walton (Walmart)
- Jeff Bezos (Amazon)
- Computers
- Bill Gates (Microsoft)
- Steve Jobs (Apple)
- Information Technology
- Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Google)
- Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
- Financiers
6. Scientists
- Benjamin Franklin
- George Washington Carver
- Joseph Priestley
- Nikola Tesla
- Thomas Alva Edison
- Albert Einstein
- Abraham Maslow
- Dian Fossey & Jane Goodall
- Norman Borlaug

7. Artists
- Gilbert Stuart
- Edward Hopper
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Andy Warhol
- Norman Rockwell
- Jacob Lawrence
- John James Audubon
- Georgia O’Keeffe
- Thomas Nast
- Ansel Adams
8. Pop Icons
- Mark Twain
- Elvis Presley
- Madonna
- Bob Dylan
- Charlie Chaplin
- Jimi Hendrix
- Marilyn Monroe
- Frank Sinatra
- Louis Armstrong
- Mary Pickford
9. Athletes
- Babe Ruth
- Muhammad Ali
- Jackie Robinson
- James Naismith
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Ty Cobb
- Michael Jordan
- Hulk Hogan
- Jim Thorpe
- Billie Jean King