10. National Voting Rights Museum and Institute, Brown Chapel African American Methodist Episcopal Church, and First Baptist Church (Selma)

9. Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail and Selma to Montgomery March Byway All-American Road, including Edmund Pettus Bridge (site of “Bloody Sunday”) (Selma) and the City of St. Jude
8. Alabama State Capitol (also of note: Alabama State Archives and History Museum, Old Alabama Town, Governor’s Mansion, First White House of the Confederacy, and Confederate Memorial Monument – how far we still need to come to remove it)
7. Freedom Riders National Monument (Anniston)
6. Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site (Tuskegee)
5. Rosa Parks Library and Museum (Montgomery), plus Freedom Rides Museum, Legacy Museum, and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice
4. Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site (Tuskegee)
3. Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church – World Heritage Tentative List (Montgomery), plus the Dexter Parsonage Museum and Civil Rights Memorial
2. Bethel Baptist Church (Civil Rights Era headquarters for the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights) – World Heritage Tentative List (Birmingham)
1. Birmingham Civil Rights District
- 16th Street Baptist Church (site of the 1963 church bombing) – World Heritage Tentative List
- Kelly Ingram Park (site of police using fire hoses and police dogs on protesters)
- Fourth Avenue Business District
- Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument (includes Gaston Motel – a meeting place for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights)
- Carver Theatre (now home of the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame)
- Birmingham Civil Rights Institute