The Lions of Michigan Avenue at the Art Institute of Chicago – Beaux-Arts architecture
African Art
Coffin and Mummy of Pa-ankh-en-Amun

Triptych Icon from Ethiopia
Olowe of Ise’s Yoruba Royal Veranda Post (Òpó Ògògá)
Native North American, Mesoamerican, and Andean works
Cheyenne War Bonnet headdress
Coronation Stone of Motecuhzoma II (Stone of the Five Suns) of Tenochtitlan
Portrait Vessel of a Ruler of Moche, northern coast of Peru
American Art

Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks

Grant Wood’s American Gothic
Georgia O’Keeffe’s Cow’s Skull with Calico Roses
Ancient Mediterranean and Byzantium
Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman bronze, coins, glass, jewelry, mosaics, pottery, and sculpture
Greek Hydria (Water Jar)
Etruscan Statuette of Herakles
Roman Statue of the Aphrodite of Knidos
Architecture and Design
Dankmar Adler and Louis H. Sullivan’s Chicago Stock Exchange Trading Room
Daniel Burnham’s Plate 49 from Plan of Chicago 1909
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Jacobs House, Middleton, Wisconsin, Perspective
Asian Art
China, Korea, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, and the Near and Middle East
Katsushika Hokusai’s Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura) or The Great Wave from “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjurokkei)”
Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Nataraja)
Western Zhou Dynasty Bronze Cauldron
Contemporary Art
Andy Warhol’s Mao
Jackson Pollock’s Greyed Rainbow
Roy Lichtenstein’s Brushstroke with Spatter
European Applied Arts
European Applied Arts
European Paintings
(Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, etc.)

Claude Monet’s Water Lilies and Haystacks

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (French: 1884-1886) Georges Seurat

Vincent van Gogh’s Bedroom in Arles

Roger and Angelica Mounted on the Hippogriff – Antoine-Louis Barye (French: c. 1840; bronze)
Modern Art
Pablo Picasso’s Old Guitarist
Salvador Dalí’s Inventions of the Monsters

Marc Chagall’s America Windows
Samuel J. Miller’s Frederick Douglass
Harry Callahan’s Chicago 1950
Prints and Drawings
Jacob Lawrence’s Free Clinic