10. Pokagon State Park
9. Chain O’ Lakes State Park
8. Winona Lake
- Village At Winona
- Winona Historical Center
- Grace College and Theological Seminary
7. Bristol
- Bonneyville Mill County Park
- Elkhart County Historical Museum
- Fruit Hills Winery and Orchard

6. Goshen
- The Old Bag Factory
- Fidler Pond Park
- Kercher’s Sunrise Orchard
5. Middlebury
- Das Dutchman Essenhaus
- Pumpkinvine Nature Trail
- Miller’s Cider Mill

4. Elkhart
- Midwest Museum of American Art
- Lerner Theatre
- National New York Central Railroad Museum
- Ruthmere Museum
- Quilt Gardens
- Wellfield Botanic Gardens
- Island Park
- The Amish Mall
- ETHOS Innovation Center
- Hall of Heroes Super Hero Museum
3. Wakarusa
- Wakarusa Historical Museum
- Grandma’s Pantry
- Wakarusa Dime Store
- Wakarusa Pro Hardware
- Beech Road Blueberry Farm
2. Nappanee
- The Barns at Nappanee
- The Round Barn Theatre
- Nappanee Bakery & Treat Shoppe
- Nappanee Apple Festival
- Veni’s Sweet Shop
1. Shipshewana
- Shipshewana Flea Market
- Yoder’s Red Barn Shoppes
- Davis Mercantile
- Blue Gate Theatre
- Menno-Hof Mennonite – Amish Visitor Center