Top 10 Places in Bangor:

1. Bangor – Train City USA: Bangor Amtrak Station (BAM) – reportedly the smallest community in the United States served by an Amtrak station

2. Michigan’s Apple Center, including u-pick farms, such as Apple a Day Farm and Understory Farm & Orchard; plus Bangor is home to the Michigan Apple Festival
In 1979, the Michigan Legislature approved House Concurrent Resolution 349 which officially established the City of Bangor as Michigan’s Apple Center. Also in 1979, the Michigan Legislature approved House Concurrent Resolution 350, which officially established the City of Bangor as home to the Michigan Apple Festival.

3. Cliff Charles Park – Bangor’s 1925 C&O Caboose and the Bangor Farmers Market

4. Bangor Elevator (now home to Cognito Brewing Company) & public art mural

5. Downtown Bangor – City Hall

6. Lions Park – Riverfront Trail; Lions Park is the origin of the Bangor-South Haven Heritage Water Trail on the Black River
7. Freestone Pickle Company
8. Bangor Historic Society Museum and the Odd Fellows Hall

9. Mill Pond Park
- Depot Overlook
- Main Street Overlook
- North Center Street Boat Launch
- Cemetery Road Overlook
- Mill Pond

10. Maple Creek parks
- Maple Creek Nature Trail
- Kiwanis Park
- Veterans Memorial Park

Honorable mentions
- Northside Park with its playground and community garden
- Donald S. Mora Ball Park
- Kids Place Park playground
- Cable House Museum (closed for restoration)
- Riverside Park (in development; including Lincoln Street Overlook and Hamilton Avenue Overlook, with possibility of adding Alexander Street Overlook)

Please also see my Top Accomplishments in Bangor while I was City Manager (2014-2015).