Top 10 Places
(Pictures and places in bold are places I have been to.)

10. Mitchell Corn Palace
- Arena
- Mural
- Concessions

9. Wall Drug
- Backyard
- Restaurant
- Shopping

8. Jewel Cave National Monument
- Historic Lantern Tours
- Discovery Talks
- Scenic Tours

7. Mammoth Site
- Mammoth Site
- Hot Springs (a small town gem)
- Former Fossil Cycad National Monument

- Crazy Horse monument
- Indian Museum of North America
- “Legends in Light” multimedia laser-light show

5. Deadwood (a small town gem)
- Historic Main Street
- Saloon No. 10
- Historic Fairmont Hotel
- Historic Bullock Hotel
- Silverado Franklin Historic Hotel
- Deadwood Alive re-enactment
- Deadwood Stagecoach Ride
- Broken Boot Gold Mine
- Tatanka Story of Bison
- Mount Moriah Cemetery
- Historic Main Street

- Above ground
- Garden of Eden Tour
- Natural Entrance Tour
- Fairgrounds Tour
- Candlelight Tour
- Caving Tour

- The Needles
- Sylvan Lake
- Burros
- Peter Norbeck National Scenic Byway
- Custer State Park Wildlife Loop Road
- Nearby: Custer City (a small town gem)

2. Mount Rushmore National Memorial
- Mount Rushmore
- Presidential Trail Loop Trail (0.9 miles)
- Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center
- Sculptor’s Studio
- Black Hills National Forest
- Nearby: Keystone-Hill City – 1880 Train

- Badlands Loop Road
- Sage Creek Rim Road
- Black-tailed Prairie Dog Towns
- Bighorn sheep
- Pronghorn antelope
- Nearby: Wounded Knee Battlefield (site of the Wounded Knee Massacre; part of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of the Oglala Lakota)
State Info
A) State Nicknames
- Mount Rushmore State
- The Coyote State
B) State Symbols
- Flower: American pasque (Pulsatilla hirsutissima)
- Bird: Ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus culchicus)
- Tree: Black Hills spruce (Picea glauca densata)
- Animal: Coyote (Canis latrans)
- Grass: Western wheat grass (Agropyron smithii)
- Fish: Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum)
- Jewelry: Black Hills gold
- Dessert: Kuchen
- Sport: Rodeo
- Bread: Fry bread

C) Major Metros
- Sioux Falls
- Rapid City
- Pierre (state capital; 8th largest city in state)

D) Military History
- Minuteman Missile National Historic Site
E) Famous People
- Crazy Horse