Top 10 Places
(Pictures and places in bold are places I have been to.)

10. Vermont Cheese
- Vermont Cheese Farms
- Vermont Cheese Shops
- Vermont Cheese Trail
9. Barre
- Barre Downtown Historic District
- Vermont Granite Museum
- Old Labor Hall National Historic Landmark
8. Montpelier
- Vermont State House (National Historic Landmark)
- Ethan Allen Statue
- Lost Nation Theater
7. Vermont Maple Syrup
- Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks
- Goodrich’s Maple Farm
- Hartshorn’s Organic Farm Stand & Maple Sugar House
6. Ben & Jerry’s
- Factory Tour
- Ice Cream Shop
- Flavor Graveyard
5. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park
- 1876 Wood Barn
- 1890 Farm House
- Mansion
4. Burlington
- Church Street Marketplace
- Waterfront Park
- Ethan Allen Homestead Museum
3. Stowe
- Downtown – Stowe Community Church, Vermont Ski Museum, & Town Hall
- Moss Glen Falls
- Trapp Family Lodge
2. Lake Champlain
- Grand Isle – Grand Isle State Park
- Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
- Lake Champlain Monster Monument in Burlington

1. Green Mountains (including part of the Appalachian Trail)
- Green Mountain National Forest – Sunset Ledge Trail (1.3 miles, moderately trafficked, moderate, dogs allowed) & Warren Falls
- White Rocks National Recreation Area
- Moosalamoo National Recreation Area
- Smugglers Notch State Park – Bingham Falls Trail (0.5 miles)
- Camel’s Hump State Park – Trail (6.0 miles)
- Mount Mansfield State Forest – Auto Toll Road
- Long Trail State Forest – Long Trail
State Info
A) State Nickname
- The Green Mountain State
B) State Symbols
- Flower: Red clover (Trifolium pratense)
- Bird: Hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus)
- Tree: Sugar maple (Acer saccharum)
- Animal: Morgan horse (Equus caballus)
- Insect: Honeybee (Apis mellifera)
- Cold water fish: Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
- Warm water fish: Walleye pike (Stizosedion vitreum vitreum)
- Beverage: Milk
- Butterfly: Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
- Gem: Grossular garnet
- Mineral: Talc
- Rocks: Granite, Marble, and Slate
- Flavor: Maple
- Reptile: Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta)
- Amphibian: Northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens)
- Fruit: Apple (Malus domestica)
- Pie: Apple pie
- Song: “These Green Mountains,” comoposed by Diane Martin, arranged by Rita Buglass
- Heritage breed of livestock: Randall lineback breed of cattle (Bos primigenius)
- Winter sports: Skiing and snowboarding
- Fly-fishing fly: Governor Aiken bucktail streamer
- Vegetable: Gilfeather turnip
C) Major Cities
- Burlington
- Montpelier (state capital; 17th largest city in state)
D) Just for Fun
- Derby Line border with Canada
E) Other Top Places
- Quechee State Park – Quechee Gorge Trail (2.7 miles)
- President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site in Plymouth
- Shelburne Museum and Shelburne Farms in Shelburne
- Hildene The Robert Todd Lincoln Family Home in Manchester
- Northeast Kingdom of Vermont
- Brattleboro Farmers Market
- Bennington, including the Bennington Battle Monument, Old First Congregational Church, and the Bennington Museum
F) Iconic Foods
- Aged cheddar cheese
- Lamb
- Tourtiere (French Canadian meat pie)
- Vermont corn chowder
- Gilfeather turnip
- Fiddlehead ferns
- Spring-dug parsnips
- Ramps (wild leeks)
- Vermont maple syrup
- Sugar on snow (maple syrup on snow)
- Maple creemee
- Apple pie (with cheddar)
- Cider doughnuts
- Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
- Lake Champlain Chocolates
- Switchel (cider vinegar, maple, molasses, and ginger)
G) Famous People
- Ethan Allen
- Chester A. Arthur
- Calvin Coolidge
- John Deere