The Equality State. Forever West.
(Pictures and places in bold are places I have been to.)
Honorable mention to Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, shared with Utah, which has Flaming Gorge Reservoir downstream the Green River from Flaming Gorge Dam, plus Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, shared with Montana.
The Sierra Club has proposed that Congress act to protect the Red Desert (note: ineligible to be designated as a national monument by the President of the United States)
10. Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis

9. Cheyenne
- Wyoming State Capitol
- Historic Governors’ Mansion
- Cheyenne Depot Museum
- Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum
- Cowgirls of the West Museum
8. Fort Laramie National Historic Site, along the Mormon, Oregon, and California Trails
7. Fossil Butte National Monument

6. Wind River Range – Shoshone National Forest & Bridger-Teton National Forest

5. Jackson (a small town gem) and the Jackson Hole valley

4. Cody – Rodeo Capital of the World and small town gem; nearby is the former Shoshone Cavern National Monument (now Spirit Mountain Cave – BLM) – The Cowboy State

3. Devils Tower National Monument

2. Grand Teton National Park and the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway

1. Yellowstone National Park (a World Heritage Site)