- Arctic Slope, AK – Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- Kodiak Island, AK – Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- The Enchantments of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, WA – Wenatchee National Forest and Snoqualmie National Forest (USFS)
- Douglas Fir, OR – parts of Willamette National Forest and adjacent BLM land, including Mount Jefferson Wilderness area and Quartzville Creek Wild and Scenic River ( (USFS)
- Mount Hood, OR – Mount Hood National Forest (USFS)
- Columbia River Gorge, OR – Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (USFS)
- Oregon Dunes, OR – Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (USFS)
- Owyhee Canyonlands, OR – located in southeastern Oregon (
- Bitterroot Mountain Range, ID-MT – Bitterroot National Forest, Clearwater National Forest, Lolo National Forest, and Nez Perce National Forest (USFS)
- River of No Return, ID – Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness (USFS)
- Sawtooth, ID – Sawtooth National Recreation Area (USFS)
- Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, MT-WY – Gallatin National Forest, Custer National Forest, and Shoshone National Forest (USFS)
- Bob Marshall Wilderness, MT – Lolo National Forest, Flathead National Forest, Helena National Forest, and Lewis and Clark National Forest (USFS)
- Montana Northern Prairie, MT – located in eastern central Montana (also called Northern Great Plains)
- Rocky Mountain Front, MT – located in western central Montana, next to the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area (
- Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, CA – Inyo National Forest (USFS)
- Bodie Hills, CA – adjacent to Bodie State Historic Park (Bodie Hills Conservation Partnership:; Friends of the Inyo:
- Klamath Mountains (“Ancient Forest National Park”), CA-OR – proposed national park ( (USFS)
- Smith River National Recreation Area
- Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest
- Klamath National Forest
- Shasta-Trinity National Forest
- Modoc Plateau, CA – Modoc National Forest (USFS) and adjacent to Lava Beds National Monument
- Range of Light/Sierra, CA – located between Yosemite and Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks (Unite the Parks: (USFS)
- Santa Ana Mountains, CA – Cleveland National Forest (USFS)
Rocky Mountains
- Red Desert, WY – ineligible to be designated as a national monument by the President of the United States, but it could be created by Congress
- Wind River Range, WY – ineligible to be designated as a national monument by the President of the United States, but it could be created by Congress (USFS)
- Arapaho, CO – Arapaho National Recreation Area (USFS)
- Hidden Gems, CO – White River National Forest ( (USFS)
- Maroon Bells-Snowmass, CO – Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness (USFS)
- Vermillion Basin, CO

- Greater Canyonlands, UT (; Utah Public Lands Initiative)
- Pando “The Trembling Giant”, UT – quaking aspen grove at Fishlake National Forest (USFS)
- San Rafael Swell, UT
- Wasatch Mountains and Canyons, UT (
- Avi Kwa Ame, NV – west of Spirit Mountain Wilderness and east of Mojave National Preserve (
- Sheldon-Hart Mountain Pronghorn, NV-OR – currently Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge (OR), Sheldon National Antelope Refuge (NV), and Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (NV) ( (FWS)

- Great Bend of the Gila, AZ – located southwest of Phoenix (
- Greater Grand Canyon Heritage, AZ – adjacent to Grand Canyon National Park (
- Sedona Verde Valley Red Rock, AZ ( (USFS)
New Mexico
- Lesser Prairie Chicken Preserve, NM – located in southeastern New Mexico
- Otero Mesa, NM – located in south central New Mexico ( (
- Castner Range, TX – located north of El Paso – adjacent to Franklin Mountains State Park (, currently Castner Range Fort Bliss Military Reservation – assigned to be partially opened to the public (
- Piney Woods, TX
- Salt Plains, OK – Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- Buffalo Roam, OK – Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
Great Plains

South Dakota
- Mammoth Site, SD (non-profit)

- Nebraska Sandhills, NE – Bessey Ranger District of Nebraska National Forest (USFS)
- Oglala, NE – Oglala National Grassland and Toadstool Geological Park (USFS)
- Pine Ridge, NE – Nebraska National Forest and Pine Ridge National Recreation Area (USFS)

- Monument Rocks, KS (private)
- Rock City, KS (commercial)
- Driftless Rivers, IA-WI-IL – Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- Great Confluence, MO-IL – Illinois River confluence with Mississippi River and along the Mississippi River to its confluence with the Missouri River
Great Lakes
- Nordhouse Dunes, MI – currently Manistee National Forest wilderness and recreation area (USFS)
- Horicon Marsh, WI – Horicon National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- Boundary Waters, MN – Superior National Forest (USFS)
- Garden of the Gods, IL – Shawnee National Forest (USFS)
- Midewin Tallgrass Prairie, IL – Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie (USFS)

- Grand Kankakee, IN-IL
- Wayne, OH – Wayne National Forest, including the Covered Bridge Scenic Byway (USFS)
- North Woods, ME – a greater Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
New Hampshire
- White Mountains, NH (USFS)

- Green Mountains, VT – Moosalamoo National Recreation Area & White Rocks National Recreation Area (USFS)
- Great Meadows, MA – Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
Rhode Island
- Battle of Rhode Island Site, RI (significant encroachment by development)
- Upper Housatonic Valley, CT – Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area
New York
- Erie Canal, NY
- Hudson River Valley, NY (Thomas Cole National Historic Site of the Hudson River School)
- Allegheny, PA – Allegheny National Recreation Area (USFS)
New Jersey
- Pine Barrens, NJ – New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve
- Mason Dixon Line, MD-PA – Pen Mar Park area
Washington, DC
- Fredrick Douglas, DC
- Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
- Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge
- Anacostia Park
- Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens
- Fredrick Douglas, DC
- Great Dismal Swamp, VA – Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
West Virginia
- Birthplace of Rivers, WV – located in eastern West Virginia (
South Central
- Red River Gorge, KY – Red River Gorge Geological Area of Daniel Boone National Forest (USFS)
- The Lost Sea, TN (largest known underground lake in the U.S. – commercial)
- Ozark Mountains, AR – Ozark National Forest (USFS)
- Atchafalaya, LA – Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- Mississippi Delta, MS – Music sites/Mississippi Blues Trail: U.S. Highway 61 “Blues Highway”, GRAMMY Museum Mississippi, Delta Blues Museum, B.B. King Museum & Delta Interpretive Center
- Dismals Canyon, AL (National Natural Landmark) (includes bioluminescence, six natural bridges, and two waterfalls – commercial)
- Talladega, AL – Talladega National Forest (USFS)
- Tuskegee, AL – Tuskegee National Forest (USFS)
- Mobile-Tensaw Delta, AL (National Natural Landmark)
North Carolina
- Alligator River, NC – Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
South Carolina
- Lowcountry, SC – Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor
- Blackbeard Island, GA – Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- Springer Mountain, GA – Ed Jenkins National Recreation Area (USFS)
- Okefenokee Swamp, GA-FL – Okefenokee Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (FWS)
- Apalachicola, FL – Apalachicola National Forest (USFS)
Puerto Rico
U.S. Territory
- El Yunque, PR – El Yunque National Forest (USFS)
- Isla de Vieques-Bioluminescent Bay, PR