I previously worked as the city manager of the City of Bangor, Michigan, after working for the City of New Buffalo. Here are my top accomplishments in Bangor while I was there (2014-2015). Also see my list of Top Places in Bangor.

1. Community Involvement (improved/healed previously damaged City relationships):
- DDA: Improved previously damaged City relationship with Downtown Development Authority Board after a bitter lawsuit that had just concluded as I started as city manager
- Apple Fest/Farmers Market: Improved previously damaged City relationships and participated in planning and organization building with Bangor’s Michigan Apple Fest Planning Committee and Bangor Farmers Market
- BPS, CoC, & IP: Healed previously damaged City relationships with Bangor Public Schools, South Haven Area Chamber of Commerce, and Ollie Hosier Industrial Park tenants (plus re-certified IP through MEDA)
- BSHHWTA: City Representative to Bangor-South Haven Heritage Water Trail Association – assisted with non-profit incorporation, organization building, and planning
- Caboose: Instrumental in implementing a community volunteer project to paint the downtown caboose – a community gathering focal point, including the Farmers Market

2. Team Building (implemented multiple transitions from out-going staff from City Council’s change-in-direction reforms):
- New Chief of Police: Assisted City Council closing lingering litigation from a former police officer; created and lead New Chief of Police Interview Panel, representing diverse community interests
- Public Works Transition: Administered transition of retiring DPW director to a professional service
- New Housing Commission Chair: Identified several organizational/procedural deficiencies at Housing Commission, recruited a new chair, began reforms which continued after I left
- New City Clerk: Hired, trained, supervised new City Clerk; assisted with City Election Commission
- New City Attorney: Assisted the City Council in selecting a new city attorney

3. Fiscal Management:
- Budget: Managed $0.9M General Fund, plus water and sewer enterprise funds
- Deficit Plan: Administered Water Fund Deficit Elimination Plan
- Grant Writing: DEQ Wellhead Protection Plan update grant application successful
- City Audit: Assisted the City Council in selecting a new auditing firm

4. Planning-Zoning:
- Planning Commission: Reactivated Planning Commission after many months without meetings
- Master Plan: Started a new master plan to replace 1990 one – initial draft and survey form completed
- ZBA: Restarted the Zoning Board of Appeals after years of no members being appointed
- Greenway Planning: Performed greenway planning: 3 km parks/green space trail – part of 5 km loop

5. Transparency: bangormi.org (establishment/content creation) [website was redesigned after I left]
- Established New Website: Utilized website management app and created all content for new City site
- Transparency Portal: Utilized ballotpedia.org Transparency Checklist, e.g.:
- City of Bangor – Transparency webpage (see Internet Archive: Wayback Machine; not on new site)
- City of Bangor, Michigan – City Code (City Charter/City Ordinances) (compilation not on new site)
- City of Bangor – planning documents (not available on new site; a few are on swmpc.org)
- City Facebook Page: Re-established City control over City’s official Facebook page from private party

6. W. Arlington Repaving & Stormwater Management (administered project – $180,000 STP 80/20 grant)

7. Arbor Day in the City of Bangor (re-establishment/Tree Board reactivation)

8. Bangor Community Garden (establishment at Northside Park)